Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Since its establishment, Daishinsha Inc(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) has developed from the basis of catalog printing into a comprehensive marketing and communications business. With the rapid development of the Internet and Internet-based technologies, as well as the increasing social demand for the protection of personal information, we believe that the protection of personal information is not only the basis of our business activities, but also our social responsibility.
Therefore, we have established the following personal information protection policy, and we will work to ensure that all of our employees comply with it. In accordance with this policy, all employees of the Company will give due consideration to the accurate and safe handling and management of personal information, and will respond to the trust of customers and society.

Date of Last Revision: November 21, 2020
Daishinsha Inc
Toyohisa Uehira, Representative Director & CEO
Matters Regarding the Collection & Use of Personal Information
1. Whenever we collect personal information, we will clarify the purpose of collection and use it only to the extent necessary for the purpose of the business in question.
2. In the event that we are entrusted with data that includes personal information, we will use it only to the extent necessary for the purpose of the business in question.
3. Personal information will be managed appropriately and will not be provided or disclosed to third parties without the prior consent of the individual, except as required by law.
Matters Regarding Security Measures for Personal Information
1. The company will maintain internal regulations, and implement safety measures and corrective actions to prevent problems such as unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information.
2. In the event that we outsource business to a third party and entrust them with personal information, we will stipulate the handling of personal information in the contract and take all possible measures to ensure continued safety.
Matters Regarding Compliance with Laws & Regulations
1. In the situation where we receive from the person whose personal information we handle a request to disclose, correct, delete, or refuse to provide the information, or when we receive a complaint and/or consultation, we will respond in good faith and without delay, respecting the rights of the person whose personal information we handle.
Matters Regarding Response to Complaints & Consultations
1. In the situation where we receive from the person whose personal information we handle a request to disclose, correct, delete, or refuse to provide the information, or when we receive a complaint and/or consultation, we will respond in good faith and without delay, respecting the rights of the person whose personal information we handle.
Matters Regarding the Compliance Program Formulation & Continued Improvement
1. In response to the full enforcement of the Personal Information Protection Law, we have formulated a compliance program (hereinafter referred to as “CP”) in accordance with “JIS Q 15001”. All of our employees will comply with this policy and CP, and will handle personal information appropriately and protect it conscientiously.
2. We will maintain a personal information protection manager and give them the responsibility and authority for the implementation and operation of the CP.
3. The CP will be established and operated as a management system in accordance with the PDCA cycle, and continuous improvements will be made.
4. We will maintain a representative in charge of auditing, and will conduct regular audits to ensure that personal information is properly operated and managed. Based on the results of the audits, we will improve our internal rules and operational methods.
Contact for Inquiries Regarding the Handling of Personal Information
Daishinsha Inc
PMS Office Contact Information
TEL: 06-6976-5550
Personal Information Protection Manager
Daisuke TOMITA
Handling of Personal Information by Daishinsha
About the Purpose of Using Personal Information
When we are entrusted with the handling of personal information by our customers, when we ourselves directly
acquire personal information, or when we acquire personal information from others, we will use it for the purposes listed below. If we use personal information for any other purpose, we will send you a written notice,
email, fax, etc., or notify you separately on the individual websites.
When entrusted by customers (personal information not subject to disclosure)
1. To print and send out membership lists, company newsletters, etc.
2. To print and send direct mail (including membership number, account number, contract details, and purchase history attributes to be printed on the enclosed material)
3. For various campaign applications and other related operations
4. For the operation of the website and membership management
5. To conduct interviews for the production of printed materials and surveys contracted by the Company
6. For other operations related to processing, printing, and shipping of personal information
When we obtain personal information directly from you (personal information subject to disclosure)
1. To respond to inquiries about our business and services
2. To send various materials requested in relation to our business
3. To send prizes to customers who have won prizes in our own sweepstakes and/or campaigns
4. To conduct questionnaire surveys, etc., and reflect them in our various services
5. To provide information on our services and support
6. To confirm the payment method of the person in question or the status of payment for the paid services operated by the Company
7. To manage our employees, to deal with retired employees, and for recruitment purposes
8. For the master registration of our partner companies
9. To prepare reports and analysis materials for various surveys and consulting requests that we have received
Acquisition from other sources (personal information not subject to disclosure)
1. To select subjects for questionnaire surveys and/or interviews
About Procedures Regarding the Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information
If you wish to request disclosure of your own personal information (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition/deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion and suspension of use with third parties), we will respond, correct, add, or delete information, suspend use, or delete the information within a reasonable period and scope after confirming the identity of the person making the request.
However, if we stop using or delete all or part of the information, we may be unable to provide services that meet your request. (Please note that we may not be able to respond to your request for suspension of use or deletion of information held in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.)
Contact Method Regarding the Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information
Our company will accept requests for disclosure, etc. of a person’s own personal information subject to
disclosure in the following manner. Please note that we may not be able to respond to requests for disclosure,
etc. that do not follow these procedures.
Reception Procedure
Please fill out the “Request Form for Disclosure” [PDF] provided by the Company, and send it by mail with the
necessary documents to the reception desk below.
We will respond to your request in writing after confirming your identity (or the identity of your representative) in
the following manner.
Please note:
• Postage costs are the responsibility of the requestor
• A handling fee of 500 yen (including consumption tax) will be charged for each “Request for Disclosure” and
“Request for Notification of Purpose of Use” procedure
Reception Desk
5-1-60 Namba, Chuo-Ku,
Osaka-Shi, Osaka
Daishinsha Inc
PMS Office Contact Information
Application Method
Please fill out the prescribed “Request Form for Disclosure” [PDF] (available on our website), and send it by post
to the reception desk together with a document confirming your identity or, in the case of a representative, a
document confirming the authority of the representative.
A fee of 500 yen per request is required for “Request for Disclosure” and “Request for Notification of Purpose of
Use”. Please enclose 500 yen in postage stamps.
Identification method
Person: Copy of official identification such as driver’s license, health insurance card, etc.
Proxy: Copy of official identification such as driver’s license, health insurance card, etc. and letter of proxy
About Questions & Complaints Regarding Personal Information Management
Our company will accept requests for disclosure, etc. of a person’s own personal information subject to disclosure in the following manner. Please note that we may not be able to respond to requests for disclosure, etc. that do not follow these procedures.
Reception Procedure
Please fill out the “Request Form for Disclosure” [PDF] provided by the Company, and send it by mail with the necessary documents to the reception desk below.
We will respond to your request in writing after confirming your identity (or the identity of your representative) in the following manner.
Please note:
• Postage costs are the responsibility of the requestor
• A handling fee of 500 yen (including consumption tax) will be charged for each “Request for Disclosure” and “Request for Notification of Purpose of Use” procedure
Reception Desk
5-1-60 Namba, Chuo-Ku,
Osaka-Shi, Osaka
Daishinsha Inc
PMS Office Contact Information
Application Method
Please fill out the prescribed “Request Form for Disclosure” [PDF] (available on our website), and send it by post
to the reception desk together with a document confirming your identity or, in the case of a representative, a
document confirming the authority of the representative.
A fee of 500 yen per request is required for “Request for Disclosure” and “Request for Notification of Purpose of
Use”. Please enclose 500 yen in postage stamps.
Identification method
Person: Copy of official identification such as driver’s license, health insurance card, etc.
Proxy: Copy of official identification such as driver’s license, health insurance card, etc. and letter of proxy
About Questions & Complaints Regarding Personal Information Management
Contact for Inquiries Regarding the Handling of Personal Information
Daishinsha Inc
PMS Office Contact Information
TEL: 06-6976-5550
Personal Information Protection Manager
Daisuke TOMITA
Handling of Personal Information by this Website
In order for the users of this website to use this website with confidence, below is an explanation of how we handle the personal information provided on this website. Please read and agree to the terms and conditions before using this website.
About the Collection of Personal Information
On this website, we ask you to provide us with information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, date of birth, and gender, as well as the content of your inquiry, either by email or by filling out a form on the website.
In such cases, relevant follow through actions will be clearly stated in advance, (such as the purpose of use, whether or not the information will be provided to a third party, whether or not the information will be outsourced), and there will be a confirmation procedure with the customer whether or not consent has been given before the information is sent.
About the Appropriate Management of Personal Information
If you have any questions or complaints about our handling of personal information, please contact us directly at the address below.
1. Security
We handle personal information provided by our customers with strict security management and operations,
under thorough information management within the company. All of our employees are kept up-to-date regarding
our security and privacy details and practices, and are regularly trained to ensure the protection of personal
2. Cookies
We may use cookies to provide you with better service. If you do not wish to have cookie information used, you can disable cookies by adjusting your browser settings, but this may reduce the convenience of browsing our website. Please contact the manufacturer of your browser software for information on how to adjust your settings.
*Cookies are functions that store information about your visit to a website on the device you use.
Generally, cookies can be used to eliminate the need to sign in when accessing a website or to improve convenience based on the number of times a website is visited.
3. Log Files
We use the IP addresses of visitors to our site to manage the site and analyze access status, etc. IP addresses
are not linked to any specific personal information.
Contact for Inquiries Regarding the Handling of Personal Information
Daishinsha Inc
PMS Office Contact Information
TEL: 06-6976-5550.
Personal Information Protection Manager
Daisuke TOMITA