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Report on the trade show “IFA 2022”, in Berlin
- Exhibition
IFA 2022 (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin), the one of world’s leading trade shows for consumer electronics and home appliances, was held in Berlin from September 2 to 6, 2022.
Willforce inc. had been visiting the expo almost every year becasuse of having projects for presentation materials and artworks. In recent years, the pandemic had made the expo only online and made it difficult for us to travel abroad. But at last, the restrictions on travel were fourtunately deregulated, and we were able to visit in this year.
Each year’s IFA is highlighted by its distinctive trends. This year, the appeal of each company regarding “sustainability” and ” trend colors” seemed to stand out in particular.
As for “sustainability”, which cannot be separated as a global appeal, the exhibition furnishings and interiors made by extensive use of greenery and wood.
from left, BOSCH, SIEMENS, Electronics
In Panasonic area, the company’s sustainability initiatives were introduced based on MULTISHAPE, which we were engaged in the promotions of.
As for ” trend colors”, while most conventional home appliances were in flashy colors and shiny textures such as black and white, silver, and red, we were reminded that “Muted tone”, which are soft tones and matte textures, have become a global trend.
STEAMERY(Steamer brand in Stockholm), Samsung’s galaxy
For Willforce inc, which creates AD and promotion materials for the international market, this was a valuable opportunity to experience the interests and trends of people around the world, something that is difficult to obtain at a virtual exhibition.
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